What Is The Book-A-Week Project?

Quite frankly, The Book-A-Week Project  is the guilt-inducing mechanism that keeps me reading. Without it, I’d be languishing on my couch, Doritos in hand, screaming Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose at my television or pretend-killing something with pretend-magic from the comfort of my very real sweat pants.

Don’t get me wrong, I love reading. Even more so, I love writing. But I also love Doritos. And Netflix. And Playstation. And sweat pants.

God, do I love sweat pants.

What the blog does, then, is let the world know how much I’ve been reading. Or, to put it more bluntly, it lets the world know how much I haven’t been reading. It’s a tool, ultimately, to keep me on the straight and narrow.

At the very least, I read a book a week and blog my thoughts along the way. But when time permits, I like to talk about all kinds of reading-related topics. Like the relevance of Can Lit, the reasons why Ernest Cline sucks out loud, and why that ‘new book smell’ is like a crack pipe for book bloggers. (I imagine…)

Defining “A Book-A-Week”

The first book blog I ever wrote was another incarnation of The Book-A-Week Project, back in 2012. I lasted about 15 months, but stopped because I wanted to read books that I simply couldn’t finish in a week’s time. This time around, I’m going to give myself a little more leeway with what constitutes a “book” each week. This will allow me to read 600-, 700-, 800-page books without feeling like I’m failing.

So with larger books, I’m going to allot myself more than a single week to read them.

  • <500 pages: 1 week
  • >500 pages: 2 weeks
  • >750 pages: 3 weeks

Also, if I happen to go off course and miss a few weeks here and there, I’m not going to panic and set the blog on fire. I’ve done some growing up. In certain ways. Not many ways. Okay, just this one way.

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